CS2103T iP (Jarvis) - User Guide

By: Ng Jun Guang, Jarrod

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
    3.1. Usage Help - help
    3.2. Add a todo item - todo
    3.3. Add an event item - event
    3.4. Add a deadline item - deadline
    3.5. View all items in list - list
    3.6. Complete an item in the list - done
    3.7. Delete an item from the list - delete
    3.8. Find Items - find
    3.9. Exit Program - bye
  4. Acknowledgements

1. Introduction

Jarvis is a program that is adapted from Duke by Se-edu. It is primarily a task management application suitable for users who prefer to use the Command Line Interface while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Double-click the file to start the program.

3. Features

The program has the following in-built functionalities:

3.1. Usage Help - help

Gives a list of all functions that are possible, and their formats.
Format: help

Image of help

3.2. Add a todo item - todo

Adds a todo item to the list.
Format: todo ITEM

Image of help

3.3. Add an event item - event

Adds an event item with the date the event is at to the list.

DATE should be entered in the format yyyy-mm-dd

Format: event ITEM /at DATE

Image of help

3.4. Add a deadline item - deadline

Adds a deadline item with the date it is due to the list.

DATE should be entered in the format yyyy-mm-dd

Format: deadline ITEM /by DATE

Image of help

3.5. View all items in list - list

Displays, in order of addition, all the items in the current list.
Format: list

Image of help

3.6. Complete an item in the list - done

Sets the status of the item in the list at the given index as ‘done’.
Format: done INDEX

Image of help

3.7. Delete an item from the list - delete

Deletes the item in the list at the given index.
Format: delete INDEX

Image of help

3.8. Find Items - find

Finds all items in the list that contains KEYWORD as its substring.
Format: find KEYWORD

Image of help

3.9. Exit Program - bye

Exits the program and closes the Ui window.
Format: bye

4. Acknowledgements

Credits to Code Organization adapted from seedu-ab-2.
Referenced from: https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level2/tree/master/src/seedu/addressbook